This free SEO tutorial guides you and your students through the basics of search engine optimization of websites.
Use GoogleAnalytics as an examplary tool to analyse and manage your customer data.
After having your customer data, you might wnat to introduce GoogleAds as a program that helps you creating and placing advertisment.
Get Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on your side to optimize your travel website, increase brand awareness, and improve customer engagement!
As an introduction, you might want to show this explanatory video about the creation, structure and use of a database.
If you think about creating a project with your students to develop an own database, use this guideline to get ideas and further Information about how to create databases.
This is a comparison of different booking systems with free demo versions. It might give a base for a fruitful discussion about which system might be fitting best to the company's requirements
This link offers an online digital marketing course with 26 units which should enable the user to master the basics of digital marketing.
As a discussion basis about the use of different online marketing tools, this site explains existing tools and includes links to various providers
If you want to show good and successful online marketing, alpinmarketing might be a good example. It is an agency that offers marketing strategies especially for the sector of alpine tourism.
Wir lieben Tirol. Hier beginnt der Lebensraum 4.0. Wer wenigstens einmal auf einem Gipfel gestanden hat, kennt vielleicht das erhabene Gefühl über Bergspitzen bis zum Horizont blicken zu können.
Wir haben diesen WEITBLICK ALS PRINZIP für unsere Arbeit verinnerlicht. Wir suchen und probieren gern neue Wege, während andere noch auf ausgetretenen Pfaden wandern. Als digitale Pioniere sind wir die Bergführer des neuen Jahrtausends.
A historical timeline with digitalisation steps (dig 1.0 to dig 4.0) shows that our digitalization is just the continuing consequence of the industrialisation.
This article of Deloitte offers a discussion basis about digitalisation in general. It provides the reader with a definition of the digital workplace as well as some knowledge about existing tools and a step by step tasklist (examples and ideas given e.g.).
Here you can find a powerpoint presentation about opportunities and challenges of digitalisation. It might be useful as an illustration of the topic and can be downloaded as a pdf file.
To get some hands on exercises try to build a BOT with your students or let them build one on their own.
Use this self-test to find out what you remember from the training above.
Or you might need to go back and check again.