If you are looking for a way, to introduce the different hardware components of a computer, you can use this video as a proper explanation about how a computer is built up and what are the most important components.
Once you introduced the topic, you might want to dive deeper into the question of how to set up a network.
This link supplies a beginners guide of how to install a network and also includes an explanatory video.
It can be used as the base to set up a project work for the employees the results in the installation of an internal network.
After having talked about the hardware of a computer, you can find here an informative video about the definition of basic computer software.
To enter the subject of search engines, you might want to use this link as an interactive, optical support to talk about the historical development of search engines.
The following link gives access to free online courses for digital skills and literacy, prvided by Microsoft. You might want to motivate your students to participate in one of the courses (or even participate yourself)
This is another link that gives access to free online Courses from for digital skills and literacy, provided by futurelearn. You might want to motivate your students to participate in one of the courses (or even participate yourself)
If you're thinking about doing a project or group work, you might find useful ideas in this
"23 Things to-do-list". It can be used for several topics in this module.
As an introduction, you might find this video interesting that explains in a rather simple way, how cloud storage systems work and what differences exist.
For a more detailed explanation, this Video gives another overview of the topic
After having entered the subject of storage devices, the information given on this website about cloud storage systems could be used as a base for some discussion about the pros and cons of different systems.
This article about different companies that have a successful social media presence might serve you as a starting point for some discussion about how your company's online presence can be developed.
With this Information about how to build up a favourable social media presence, you could even think about launching a project work to optimize your company's appearance in social media.
Start the subject with a short introductory comment about Content Management Systems and give an overview over exisiting Tools and possibilities.
This article compares different tools (there are easily more to be found). Before working on the creation of a website (see links below), you could introduce the basics by these comparisons.
Use the wix creator (or others-can be easily found in the Internet) as an example of a website creation tool and work with your students on the development of an own homepage.
You can implement this in a project work or simply let them discover the different advantages and disadvantages of the CMS tools on their own or in groups.
Cyber Security Austria is an organisation for digital awareness training within the population. Its subjects are the rising of awareness for threats coming from new media and finding solutions for security lacks.
In order to promote the topic and to rise awareness of the importance, the EC and Enisa promote a Cyber Security Challenge each year.
The cyber security guidelines can be used as an informational base about official regulations and might result in a fruitful discussion about security aspects within the company.
On 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) harmonises data privacy laws across Europe. It protects Europeans, gives them control over their personal data and reshapes the way organisations approach data privacy.
Use this self-test to find out what you remember from the training above.
Or you might need to go back and check again.