The DC4Work project focuses on the necessary digital skills that a workplace 4.0 needs. The aim of each company should therefore be to promote digital competences for a better employability and therein the competitiveness of the company. For that we suggest to appoint a “Digital competence promoter” in your company or organization.
The ability of executives to identify their employees digital skills needs and to appropriately support their development is of growing importance for a company’s prosperity and success. This tasks as innovator and mentor of digital knowledge & skills at the workplace should be taken over by a “Digital competence promoter” of the company. His or her task is to enable colleagues or staff members to be aware of their improvement potential regarding digital competences and translate it into action.
The comprehensive study performed at the beginning of DC4Work aimed to partners knows and understand the awareness and practices existent in the SMEs of the sectors of tourism and commerce/trade, in what concerns the measure, promotion and development of employees’ digital competencies at their workplace....
Learning in a digital age – a job-related approach – a white paper with recommendations and guidance for SMEs and “Digital Competences Promoter”
The guideline is created to provide a curriculum for vocational training of the “digital competence promoter”. He or she should obtain basic digital knowledge in general and specific knowledge in the sectors of tourism and retail. Although the project places an emphasis on the sectors tourism and commerce, the guideline can also be used to train promoters in companies of other sectors or scope.
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This toolbox contains 6 sections starting with more general aspects in the first row and continuing with more specific information in the second.
Each section follows the same structure: introduction, training material, further reading and a self-assessment quiz at the end. You can choose any topic that is interesting to you to start with.
We live in a digital society and it is essential that everyone is ‘digitally competent’ to access the new opportunities to learn, work, create and engage in a society which is shaped by digital technology.
The European Commission has developed DigComp: the European Digital Competence Framework as a reference framework to explain what it means to be ‘digitally competent’.